Brain Bounce
A digital tablet designed for children with emotional dysregulation
UI UX Design | Product Design | Visual Design
Project partner: Ananya Thakur
Brainbounce is a digital tablet with a digital pen and a headset designed for children to manage emotional dysregulation independently at school. The tablet makes use of various activities that are therapeutic and attention-grabbing, giving rise to multi-sensory stimulation. Teachers can monitor progress of every child with ease. The product is affordable, portable, and safe for children’s vision and overall health. Our primary user persona was an elementary school teacher. Our secondary user persona was a child with emotional dysregulation.
Insights from research
Interviews with elementary school teachers gave us some insights. We learned that there is a lack of support and care from parents for children with special needs. These children often disrupt class time and distract other students. There is a lack of personal teaching time that fits each student’s educational level and needs for effective learning.
Problem statement
“How might we help teachers effectively care for students with emotional dysregulation without major disruptions to the class time?”
We began our ideation process by creating design principles and an Impact vs. Feasibility matrix. After making a list of a bunch of games and the features that exist within them, we sketched our prototype concepts for a kit that included a soft toy and a therapeutic tablet and potentially a headset.
Our solution primarily focused on giving the users an interactive and engaging audio-visual experience and haptic feedback. It was refined after multiple rounds of user-testing and feedback.
User journey map
The above user flow is focused on the navigation inside the digital tablet, from the sign up pages to the home page which has various activities and the features inside each activity. Key activities include creating music by drawing, sound bath, popping bubbles, origami, writing negative thoughts, growing plants and interacting with a buddy.
A child with emotional dysregulation throws a tantrum and becomes aggressive during class. The teacher gives him ‘brain bounce’. He starts exploring the tablet. It helps him calm down while everybody else in class resumes work.
Low fidelity wireframes

High fidelity wireframes